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ComfortAir HVAC Software

Heating and air conditioning hourly load calculation and analysis.


"Heating and air conditioning hourly load calculation and analysis."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: ComfortAir HVAC software for use by engineers, architects, contractors and energy auditors to calculate all kinds of buildings designed and installed heating and air conditioning analysis. Input and output units can be set independently of the English or metric units. Program, so that applies to almost anywhere in the world made in 1989 and residential air and other necessary data for 163 countries, includes. Program output and load tables for each hour of the day (load profiles) for the entire month cooling and includes graphics. In addition, external shading devices like fins and overhangs peak conditions and reports and other useful information, such as glass shading graphics, a series, provides a summary report. Hourly load tables can be useful examples of how, where ton-hour (kilowatt-hour) calculations have ranked in the design of thermal storage air conditioning system in the size of storage systems will be made. Very user-friendly program and input and U-value calculation easy to carry out operations such as data and less prone to make errors and ommissions to provide several useful wizards. Context-sensitive Help in accordance with diagrams, is provided at the click of a button is shown. Program is a multi document interface (MDI) as the user for permission to open at the same time developed and works on various projects.

Software designed ComfortAir HVAC engineers, architects will be used by calculation contractors and energy auditors, evaluation and commercial and residential heating and air conditioning loads analysis.
Input and output units can be set independently of the English or metric units.
Weather data and other necessary data, the database contains 1989 weather stations in 163 countries around the world, so that software in the world for almost any city or locality to do.
HVAC Software 4.0 free download ComfortAir now you can.

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